Howard County Blog

A Blog on what is going on in Howard County

Friday, September 08, 2006

Lots Of News Yesterday

There was a lot of stuff to cover yesterday. I think we set a record on the number of posts in a single day. With the elections upon us there is a lot going on. Read the posts below, but feel free to use this post as an open thread to discuss any election stuff I didn’t cover below. What did you think of the letters to the editor in today’s Flier/Times? What is your final case for your favorite candidates? What are you hearing from your friends and neighbors as people turn their post Labor Day focus on the elections? What candidates or candidates literature have you seen? What did you think? What do you think of the candidate’s ads? When are you seeing them and on which channels?

I will be back with more sometime Friday, when I hope to be able to post the responses to the follow up questions that people asked the candidates who attended the West Columbia Candidates Forum. The Harper's Choice Village Board, who ran the great forum (you can watch the video here), is compiling the answers and I will post them when I get them.


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